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QUIZ to train questionnaires or vocabularies. You can compose your own question files or vocabs.
Pitch ID
Pitch ID trains pitch and interval identifcation by ear with immediate feedback and scoring. Pitch ID generates unlimited questions in every major and harmonic minor key in 15 levels of graduated difficulty. Demo has first 2 levels.
Song Sheet 4.0
Song Sheet is a powerful and easy to use text editor program that is ideal for creating, archiving and distributing lyric sheets. No extras needed, all is included in Song Sheet. Now with auto transpose and the ability to read chordpro files
Spell ID
Learn all scales, intervals, triads to 13th chords, cadences, borrowed chords and secondary dominants. Learn the pop chords in 'real' books and sheet music, all with immediate feedback and scoring.The Help file is a complete music theory book.
How to Treat your Mother
Most mothers care for their families in a thousand little ways that we all tend to take for granted. Ten TinyCards with envelopes to print and ideas to say Thank You for the tender loving care we receive all year round.
Chord ID
Chord ID trains chord identification by ear. Chord ID has three answer modes: Functions (Roman numerals), Chords (C Maj, Dmin, etc.), Qualities (Maj, min, dim). Graduated exercises begin with the easy task of identifying only the I or V chords.
A S Time Classic Screen Saver
Serious fun! Stunning Classic clock Screen Saver! Screen Saver Features: -specially designed atmosphere -almost photo realistic graphics with animations -unique sound environment -multiple backgrounds with effects -adjustable settings
Разница между умным человеком и дураком в том, что дурак повторяет чужие глупости, а умный придумывает свои. Неизв.
- дядя Во, - сказали вьетнамские октябрята своему гостю Во рошилову, - передайте привет тете Фу и дяде Хрю!
Девиз женщин: Мужчины - линолеум. Если их первый раз хорошо постелить, по нему можно ходить 20 лет.