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SMS and Pager Toolkit
Toolkit to Send and Receive SMS messages. Features SMSC providers (TAP,XIO,UCP), GSM devices (incl. WaveCom Fastrack) and GSM phones (incl. Nokia,Siemens,Motorola). TAPI,PDU,FBus and Unicode compliant. Samples for VC++, VB, VB.NET, VC#.NET and ASP.
Search Engine Friendly ISAPI Filter
Disguise dynamic pages as static ones. Static pages are much more likely to be crawled.
Extra Features:
Convert file extensions
Easy administration
Use to assist search engines in finding content. Show interested people your site
The component provides you complete client for HTTP protocol. It allows you to perform standard get and post methods of HTTP.The component is very easy to use and is more flexible for implementing client for HTTP.
The component provides you complete DSN management.It provides complete basic DSN management operations, such as Add, Configure and Remove a DSN. It also provides ListDSN for getting listing of all DSNs created under specific web site.
OmniChex Web
Manage info on a website in linked checklists, with browser, mobile phone or PDA. All checklists: task, to do, shopping, meetings, travel, packing, bookmark, wish, wedding registry, recipe, directions etc. Try now with a free account on omnichex.com!
296-software introduces the LCM-Builder tool for ASP web application programmers. LCM-Builder is an ASP productivity component what helps you to create ASP source code. LCM-Builder helps you to create Web applications that are also multi-lingual.
Advanced Banner Management
Advanced Banner Management is an Advanced Portal product offered to any website hosted with us. It is a web-based hosted application that helps you manage and provide automated banner advertising on your website.
ASPMaker is an automation tool that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database or any ODBC Data Source.
Advanced Newsletters
Advanced Newsletters is an Advanced Portal product offered to any website hosted with us. Compose mail, relay and track a newsletter to multiple recipients. All of your website visitors can signup online and be informed of your latest news.
Если бы из книг Хрисиппа изъять все, что он повыписал из других, у него остались бы одни пустые страницы. Диоген Лаэртский
Сосед спрашивает соседа: -- Твой сын не курит? -- Не-е-а... -- А корова? - Не-е-а... -- Значит, твой сараи горит. -- О-о-о!
"Это будет уже моя третья книга. Вторую я решил не писать."