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» Business
» Asset Management
SysAid Help Desk and Inventory
SysAid scans your network, providing information (such as
hardware/software) about your assets, and allowing remote control. It
also provides help desk, reports, and more.
Computer Admin Lite Win
Powerful and easy-to-use database for asset management. Consolidate your computer hardware and software information: computers, OS, peripherals, serial and asset id numbers. Generate reports for each computer or summary reports for an organization
Computer Admin Pro
Powerful and easy-to-use asset management and help desk tracking software. Consolidate your computer hardware and software information: computer name, OS, peripherals, serial and asset id numbers. Search by virtually any critera.
Knowledge Store
Find FREEDOM with a place to store every piece of information your organization has just laying around, The Knowledge Store from KC7JHO Software is the most intuitive and easiest to learn / use Information Management System available.
Computer Admin Lite Mac
Powerful and easy-to-use database for asset management. Consolidate your computer hardware and software information: computers, OS, peripherals, serial and asset id numbers. Generate reports for each computer or summary reports for an organization
Computer Admin Pro Mac
Powerful and easy-to-use asset management and help desk tracking software. Consolidate your computer hardware and software information: computer name, OS, peripherals, serial and asset id numbers. Search by virtually any critera.
Pcdb is a self contained database program for keeping track of a companies users and computer assets.
Партия - это безумие многих ради выгоды единиц. Д. Свифт
Два карабинера нашли на улице потерявшегося пингвина и принесли его к начальнику. Тот, увидев своих подчиненных с "находкой", кричит им: -- Что вы делаете? Не видите, что это пингвин? Тащите его в зоопарк! Немедленно! На следующий день оба карабинера снова являются к на- чальнику с пингвином на руках и спрашивают: -- Ну, а теперь что мы должны делать с пингвином? -- Я вам разве не сказал отнести его в зоопарк? -- В зоопарк мы его носили вчера, а сегодня хотим пове- сти в кино.
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