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PMS Racing Radio
PMS Racing Radio allows you to listen to live Australian race broadcasts over the Internet. Incorporating extensive information including text, graphics & video as well as links to all aspects of the thoroughbred, harness & greyhound racing industry
River Past Talkative
Easy-to-use and fast text-to-speech. Read text to speakers or encoder to MP3, WMA, WAV or OGG Vorbi. Full control over voice, speaking speed, volume audio codec, sample rate, channel, and bitrate. Fast and Reliable with a simple text editor interface
River Past Video Cleaner
Easy-to-use video converter software. Convert from 3GPP/3GPP2, ASF, AVI, DAT, DivX, DV, FLC/FLI animation, animated GIF, IVF, Matroska MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG-1, OGG Media OGM, RM/RAM and WMV to animate GIF, AVI, MOV, WMV, DivX, XviD, DV, MKV or OGM.
River Past Video Perspective
Adjust video aspect ratio with Letter Box (black strips are added) or Pan & Scan (the original video is slided). Converts from 3GPP/3GPP2, ASF, AVI, VCD DAT, DivX, DV, MKV, MOV, MP4,MPEG-1, OGM, RM/RMA, WMV, and Xvid to AVI, WMV, DivX, XviD, or DV.
River Past Video Slice
Trim or split videos from 3GPP/3GPP2, ASF, AVI, DAT, DivX, DV, MOV, MP4, MPEG-1, RM/RAM, WMV, and Xvid to AVI, WMV, DivX, XviD, or DV. Frame accurate. Preview video to set the exact frame. Easy to use operations to set the trim and split timecode
River Past Wave@MP3
River Past Wave@MP3 is a FREE WAV to MP3, and MP3 to WAV converter. It is extremely easy to use. Select the input file, and click "Convert", that's it!
Convert your WAVE files to put on your portable MP3 player, or convert your MP3 files for CD.
SAM Broadcaster
SAM Broadcaster - Professional Internet broadcast DJ software. The most advanced broadcast automation solution that has been developed specifically to fully meet the specialized needs of online broadcasters.
SAM Party DJ
SAM Party DJ - Professional DJ software. Dual decks, Crossfading, Beat matching, Gap killer, large media library support, drag&drop management, Album cover support and much more!
Schematic is a diagramming tool that allows complex diagrams to be drawn with ease. Schematic allows you to combine text, pictures, shapes and connectors to create clear and informative diagrams. UML, Electrical, Network, DFD, ERD plus many more...
Serial Music Composer
Serial Music Composer version 1.00 is a program for algorithmic music composition. The basis of the program is the twelve-tone serial composition technique developed by Arnold Schoenberg and others. Compositions can be played or saved as MIDI file.
Что есть неблагодарность? Оселок, на котором оттачиваются твои проницательность и бескорыстие. Авессалом Подводный
Из воды вытащили даму, которая чуть не утонула. -- Пульс есть... Значит, жива. Отлично... Так... Мадам, про- изнесите хотя бы слово!.. -- Нет ли у вас зеркальца?
Продаётся : нитки для альпинистов фирмы "Держи меня соломинка, держи"