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Forpilots Logbook
ForPilots Logbook maintains an electronic version of a pilots logbook. The program is very user friendly and is intended to look and feel just like the paper logbooks do. Many different fields supported. Intended for all pilots from student to ATP
Logbook Pro
Advanced aviation logbook for Windows. Completely customizable, comprehensive reports, interactive charts, custom currencies, powerful data analysis, and free tech support. Try risk free with no time limits. Palm and Pocket PC Companions!!!
ForPilots Pocket CheckList
ForPilots Pocket CheckList is an electronic checklist for pilots. It comes preconfigured with a generic checklist that is suitable for most light general aviation aircraft. The software is fully configurable and you can create your own checklists.
Люди легко верят тому, чего страстно желают. Ф. Вольтер
Депутат Верховного Совета СССР вернулся с сессии. Жена подае ему обед. - будешь есть борщ на первое? Муж молча поднимает руку. - будешь есть жаркое на второе? Муж молча поднимает руку. - стаканчик водочки? Муж бурно аплодирует.
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