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» Backup And Restore
R-Excel Recovery
R-Excel is a tool designed to recover corrupted Microsoft Excel Sheets. New improvements of file reconstruction technology IntelligentRebuild allow the users to reconstruct damaged *.xls files and to restore lost Excel sheets quickly and easily.
R-Word Recovery
R-Word is Microsoft Word Document Recovery software that extracts text even from heavily damaged *.doc files. The recovered documents can be saved as Word *.doc or plain text *.txt files.
R-Undelete is file recovery and undelete tool for FAT, NTFS file systems. It recovers files on local logical disks when files were:
removed without Recycle Bin;
removed by virus attack or power failure;
removed when Recycle Bin has been emptied
R-Studio Data Recovery Software
Data recovery tool for FAT, NTFS, Ext2FS file systems. File recovery after FDISK, MBR destruction, FAT damaged, virus infection. Dynamic disk support. Damaged RAID reconstruction. Recovering encrypted, compressed files and alternative data streams.
R-MAIL is Outlook Express mail recovery and undelete software designed for recovery accidentally deleted e-mail messages and recovery damaged *.dbx files where MS Outlook Express stores folders with e-mail messages.
Subject Search Sleuth
SSSleuth saves your time and increases your productivity by providing quick access to relevant information available on your personal computer and the Local Area Network of your company. The product includes API for software developers.
R-Drive Image
Drive image and backup software that creates exact image of a hard drive, partition or logical disk. Drive image files can be created on the fly without stopping Windows and then can be stored in a variety of places, including removable media.
NovaStor Online Backup
Backup critical files safely off-site to NovaStor's secure data center. User-friendly interface makes it easy to select files and schedule automatic off-site backups. Try our 15-day Free Trial with up to 250 MB of Storage.
Highly configurable backup software with intuitive interface. Performs full, incremental, differential and mirror backups. Has wizards for backup & restore, file filters, schedulers, disk spanning, writes to CD/DVD, file version tracking,zip password
Нет ничего настолько исправного, чтобы в нем не было ошибок. Ф. Петрарка
Как часто бывает у плохого хозяина, входная дверь плохо от- крывалась, и ее все время приходилось открывать при помощи топора. Вечером кто-то постучал. Хозяин подходит к двери и спрашивает: -- Кто там? -- Я! Тетка Лукерья. Хозяин попробовал открыть дверь, но ни в какую. Тогда он крикнул сыну: -- Никита, принеси топор. Тетка Лукерья пришла! Сын принес топор, хозяин приподнял дверь, открыл, но...тетки Лукерьи и след простыл.
Месть сладка и безкалорийна!