
В начало
» Utilities
» Disk And Files
» Backup Tools
Undisker is a disk image utility that can open, create, and extract ISO files. Undisker lets you open ISO files, browse them, and extract their contents to your hard disk without burning the ISO file on a CD.
SmartCodeLab Project BackUp
SmartCodeLab Project BackUp is powerfull, compact, easy-to-use program which allows you to create the backup copy of your files (documents, source code files, e-mail bases, databases and others). Support the ZIP format and automated archive naming.
SCP Backup
SCP Backup is a remarkably simple and efficient backup utility. It is so easy to use that you can back up your critical data on the fly with a single mouse-click. The key is easy-to-create back-up profiles and great compression.
SafeMail is a backup and restore tool for Outlook Express. It allows to backup your address book, mail and news folders, mail accounts, message rules, signatures, stationery, blocked senders list and all personal settings.
FastSplit Gold
Use FastSplit Gold to backup large files to fit on any media. You can run FastSplit Gold from a window, command line or batch file. Its intuitive interface makes it very easy even for beginners to backup their work to removable media.
Outlook Express Backup Wizard
An easy-to-use utility that allows you to backup and restore Outlook Express email messages, accounts, rules, address book, signatures, and blocked senders.
Backup Magic
Backup Magic is a simple, fast and compact backup & file copy utility for power users and system admins. Includes lightweight console mode module for scheduled use on file server.
Comparator Fast
Simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows pathnames)
Reliable data-backup tool for any computer running Windows. Implements various types of backups in major compression formats and supports FTP backup, command-line mode, external file compressors, backup scheduling.
Secure your files from loss and damage by keeping copies online!
OnlineCopy you can easily (automatically) store encrypted backups on any ftp server. Quick, easy and secure! Free demo!
Удовольствие критиковать мешает наслаждаться прекрасным. Ж. Ла6рюйер
Идет спор. Конца не видно. Наконец один не выдерживает -- Все, пора кончать. А то пока доберемся до правды, ее уже не будет.
Береженого бог бережет, а небереженого конвой стережет. прапорщик Нечипоренко