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» Bookmark Managers
SurfMarks is a simple task pad, that allows you to store temporary notes, web links and tasks close at hand. It stays on top of the Internet Explorer windows, but remains partially transparent, so it doe not disturb your browsing much.
URL Organizer 2
Compact, fast, simple bookmark manager to store, organize, annotate, copy and backup large and/or multiple collections of Internet bookmarks/favorites and local shortcuts. Includes powerful organizing tools. For IE, Netscape, Opera and AOL users.
Bookmark Buddy
Organize your favorites and manage your logins simply, quickly and reliably with this intuitive bookmark manager: annotate, search, sort, check, encrypt, import, export, backup, share & print any number of bookmarks. Works with all browsers.
Advanced URL Catalog
Advanced URL Catalog is a world-wide awarded software that will help you store, organize, annotate, delete duplicates, password protect your database, grab url from browsers, search using multiple criteria, and many other functions.
Quickly searches through descriptions and URLs in your Internet Explorer Favorites menu for specified text and returns a clickable list of results. Adds a new button to the I.E. toolbar for easy access to the program whenever it is needed.
Compass has been a popular and powerful bookmark manager program since its first release in January, 1997. It supports three most popular browsers - Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera. Plus, it can launch any system specified generic browsers.
Powerful URLs bookmark manager with a fully featured multi-tabbed browser. Not dependent on any web browser to store URL bookmarks. It's an independent application that you can use with almost any web browser side by side.
Тень живет лишь при свете. Ж. Ренар
НЭП. Рабиновича пригласили в ЧК - мы строим социализм, но у нас денежные затруднения, и мы рассчитываем на вас, товарищ Рабинович. Наверняка у вас припрята- но золото. Сдайте его. - я должен спросить жену. Назавтра его снова пригласили: - что сказала ваша жена, товарищ Рабинович? - она сказала: "пусть не строят. У меня тоже нет денег - так я ведь не строю!"
Сидим, как в деревне! Ни радио, ни телевизора - один Интернет остался!