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Web Resources PS
Web Resources PS keeps your internet surfing and websites organized.
Web Resources PS is a database program where you can store and navigate to your favorite websites without cluttering up the Favorite menu in your Internet Browser.
With this datab
popSmarts Popup Killer
A popup killer for IE with the smarts to allow desired popups and block only unwanted popups. It works immediately without any initial configuration! Blocked windows are saved an can be re-opened by double-clicking on an icon. Integrates into IE.
PopupDummy! popup killer provides real-time protection from popups, adware, spyware, harmful web browser plug-ins, harmful activex installers, drive-by downloads, and web browser hijackers.
#1 Smart Protector - Internet Eraser
Erase history, cache (temporary Internet files), recycle bins, cookies, typed URLs, auto-complete addresses.
Using Save/Restore State capability you are able to leave the computer in exactly the same state as it was.
SnipIE - Drag`n`Drop Snippets for IE
SnipIE lets you save, organize and annotate snippets of useful web content (news items, definitions, tips, product info, prices, web forms, contact information etc.). Also includes Internet Time Sync - to keep your PC clock up to date.
STG Cache Audit
Easily see site, URL, cookies and history lists on the Internet Explorer cache
STG Cache Audit is an advanced, easy to use tool to extract information from the Internet Explorer cache.
View, Export (Excel, CSV, Text and HTML) and print the cac
Super Surfer
Super Surfer is a new way to keep track and manage your Internet Explorer favourites by displaying thumbnails of each web site.
the seeker
The worlds FIRST and BEST Web productivity application for Windows. Search multiple search engines, Movies, Weather, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, send FREE SMS messages, shop Amazon.com, and check Stocks all from ONE application!
Stores private data and fills web-forms automatically. Record and play clicks on web-links. Possibility to edit forms without page loading. Subject profiles, intellectual bind of user profile fields to the fields of online forms. Batch mode enabled
Хорошо не иметь пороков, но плохо не подвергаться искушениям. У. Бэджот
Мужик решил бросить пить. Но не сразу, конечно, а по- степенно, и пить только дома, без приятелей и свидетелей. Потому что среди последних почему-то часто встречаются милиционеры. Залез в постель, укрылся одеялом и заснул. А проснулся... снова в вытрезвителе. -- Как я здесь оказался? -- удивился он,-- Ведь я пил дома! В собственной постели! -- Да, но за второй бутылкой вы пошли, завернувшись в одеяло.
Чем больше писем от любимой - тем чище задница солдата..