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» Business Applications
TBS Mail List
TBS Mail List tracks names and addresses for people you correspond with, also keeps track of Christmas cards sent and received. Will print mailing labels (Avery 8160 - Inkjet) or (Avery 5160 - Laser). With some printers will print envelopes.
Zip Code Genie
Zip Code Genie looks up and fills in address data (city, state, area code, etc.) automatically for you. Works with your existing word processing documents, spreadsheets, and database forms. Improves data entry accuracy, saves you keystrokes and time.
A sophisticated and powerful anti-spam program, and e-mail viewer, with a remarkably efficient, easy-to-use, and intuitive interface.
Universal Document Converter
Universal Document Converter converts to graphics any document you can print. The program is very friendly and easy-to-use. If you ever printed documents to a printer, you'll be able to start using UDC in no time.
TBS Vehicle Maintenance
Tracks scheduled and completed maintenance work (based on miles, kilometers, or hours), fuel usage (in either gallons or liters), operating costs for maintenance, fuel, and oil costs.
Exl-Plan Ultra (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Ultra Plus (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Drill-Down Tally 2004
Drill-Down Tally is the best report writer for any business. Just 3 easy steps can supercharge your ACT! and Microsoft Excel database files overnight. Create reports faster than Crystal Reports. *No more hidden records in demo mode.
Cashflow Plan Plus
For preparing comprehensive monthly cash flow projections for cash planning, business plans, fund raising etc. for 12 months ahead. For mid-size businesses with sales up to $5m. Includes roll-forward facility to simplify updating of projections.
Exl-Plan Super Plus (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
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