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» Graphics
» Business Graphics
RFFlow Professional Flowcharting
RFFlow is a drawing tool that allows you to quickly and easily draw flowcharts, organization charts, audit charts, cause-effect (fishbone) diagrams, PERT charts, Gantt charts, database definitions, electronic schematics, and more.
Novagraph Chartist
A comprehensive flowcharting and org charting package. Easy to use. It features color and font support, multi symbol and border styles and auto routing of lines in multiple styles. Multiple document support, drag and drop objects between documents.
Diagram Studio
Diagram Studio is a tool for creating flowcharts, business and technical diagrams. Draw objects, various shapes and link them together. The program features user-controlled points of connection, color shadows, graphics import and export, curves.
Нет истины, кроме научной; вне науки нельзя, не злоупотребляя, произносить слово "истина". Ф. Дантек
Ночь. В доме подозрительный шум. Муж будит жену: -- Кажется, к нам забрались воры. Встань и надень быст- ренько платье на всякий случай. -- Какое? Зеленое или розовое?
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