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» Business Planning
Exl-Plan Pro (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/larger businesses (e.g. sales above $1 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Ultra Plus (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Super Plus (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Lite (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/smallish businesses (e.g. sales $0.5 to $2 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates three-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Ultra (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Ultra Plus (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates seven-year projections on monthly basis for three years & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Super Plus (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Super (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Pro (UK-I edition)
Business plan projections for new/larger businesses (e.g. sales above $1 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Exl-Plan Lite (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/smallish businesses (e.g. sales $0.5 to $2 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates three-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
Беда тому, кто говорит все, что он может сказать. Ф. Вольтер
Как-то один горожанин сделал царю подарок. Но царь не обрадовался, а наоборот -- опечалился. Его спросили о причине плохого настроения, и он ответил: -- Какой бы ценный подарок я ни вручил теперь этому чело- веку, все равно будет считаться, что я просто его отблагодарил. А по- этому царь всегда первым должен одаривать. Это я понял сегодня.
Моя жена не француженка, это ее хулиган научил