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Venture Planning System Pro - VPSpro.com
The VPSpro is a step-by-step business plan software system, which guides planners confidentially through the research of their project on-line and helps them analyse the feasibility of their business idea or expansion.
Secret Barcoder Ring Postal Barcoder (Win)
Creates postal barcodes for bulk mail and business reply. Also creates barcoded tray/sack tags for bulk mailing. Print barcodes one at a time, or add barcodes to an entire file. Free barcode printer font for registered users.
Secret Barcoder Ring Postal Barcoder (Mac)
Creates postal barcodes for bulk mail and business reply. Print barcodes one at a time, or add bulk mail barcodes to an entire file. Free barcode printer font for registered users.
Personal Inventory
Personal Inventory is powerful and easy-to-use inventory organizer. You'll have a total control over all your inventory, just add them in one fill information in it. After that you will always know where your inventory items are.
Family Budget
Family Budget is a powerful and easy-to-use program to analyse your family budget. With this program you'll be able to understand to what things your family spends most of all money, and whom takes most of your family expenses.
Postage $aver Postal Bulk Mail Sorter (Win)
Postage $aver sorts your mailing list according to USPS requirements and creates simple instructions for assembling each mailing. USPS Pave-certified. Computes postage discounts, including nonprofit. Prints rate report, barcoded tray tags, and more.
Postage $aver Postal Bulk Mail Sorter (Mac)
Postage $aver sorts your mailing list according to USPS requirements and creates simple instructions for assembling each mailing. USPS Pave-certified. Computes postage discounts, including nonprofit. Prints rate report, barcoded tray tags, and more.
Secure mail server with anti-virus & anti-spam, built-in firewall with NAT and proxy for controlled Internet sharing. Access your e-mail anywhere using the included web mail client. The 5 user version is absolutely FREE!
ListGrabber Standard
ListGrabber is a contact extractor and a lead capture tool which instantly captures lists and contact information from thousands of Websites, Web Directories, Documents, spreadsheets and enters them for you into your Contact Manager / Address Book.
Жить - значит не только меняться, но и оставаться собой. П. Леру
Прибегают к Насреддину Афанди и говорят: -- Беда, Афанди, ваша теща стирала белье у реки и утонула. До сих пор не могут ее найти. Прибежал Афанди к реке и принялся искать тело выше того места, где теща стирала. -- Что вы делаете, Афанди?-- спросили люди, собравшиеся на месте происшествия.-- Ведь ее унесло вниз. -- Э, вы не знаете мою тещу. Она была такая упрямая, что всегда делала не то, что люди. И под водой она поплыла, я думаю, не вниз, а вверх.
Счастье было так возможно, и так возможно, и вот так возможно