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PL Compiler MYOB Excel
Import your monthly MYOB Profit and Loss data to a flexible and easy to read layout with the capacity to automate budget creation. It enhances budget development, and provides significant time saving in performance reviews and budget creation.
Pricing and Breakeven Analysis Excel
Pricing and Breakeven Analysis, test price changes, determine optimum pricing to maximize profit, and calculate breakeven points. Easy to use input with tabluar and graphical outputs. For new or established businesses, products, or services.
Profit Contribution Breakdown Excel
Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.
Queuing Model Excel
Calculate the optimum number of customer service points (staff) to minimize costs for your business. Identify the impact of changes in service staff, the number of customers waiting, their average waiting time, and service point (staff) utilization.
Budget Compiler QuickBooks Excel
Apply QuickBooks Profit and Loss data to a flexible Excel layout that automates budget creation and can be imported to the QuickBooks budget. This enhances budget development, and provides significant time saving and budget creation.
Budget Tool Business Excel
Streamlined budget creation for up to five years. Full flexibility allowing you to add Revenue, Variable Cost, and Fixed Cost categories and lines to suit any business. Preset formulas minimize inputs and provide display by month, quarter, or year.
Business Valuation Model Excel
Business valuation software with a 3 year performance forecast, sensitivity analysis, investment return, and calculated business valuation. Easy to use input interface with tabular and graphical outputs. Quick and effective result, minimal input.
Forecast and Budget Builder Excel
The Forecast and Budget Builder is a streamlined tool to develop a 3 year business forecast with Sensitivity Analysis and a 12 month budget. It can be utilized for existing and proposed businesses or products/services. Easy to use and interpret.
Decision Assistant Model Excel
The Decision Assistant values a decision and determines the impact on your business. It allows you to measure and monitor decision outcomes. The model supports planning, budgeting, goal setting, investment analysis, and operational improvement.
Человек, который работает над собой с целью обрести бескорыстие, ждёт крупной награды. Авессалом Подводный
Гельмут Шмидт, Жискар д'Эстен и Брежнев хвалятся дорогим подарками. Шмидт показывает изящную табакерку с надписью "Дорого- му Гельмуту от любящей жены". Д'Эстен - оригинальную трубку с надписью "Дорогому Жискару от француженки - патриотки". Брежнев вынимает золотой портсигар с бриллиантом. Надпись: "Дорогому гра- фу Уварову от великого князя СергеЯ Александровича".
"Стол для грязных разносов".