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» Business
» Business Word Processing
Spell Magic
Spell check any text, paragraph or document from any application, e-mail program, editor or database; system-wide on-the-fly spell check; over 25 languages, medical, legal. Compatibility Mode for Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express.
Write Source
Write and modify your text with the maximum tools available within Windows: EditExt, ExactWord, Word Spring (spell check, Thesaurus & Definitions). Compatibility Mode enhances spell checking Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express.
ExactWord (formerly YTSEditor) is a word processor editor with Rich Text/Plain Text editing, Spell Check, ActiveSpell, Thesaurus, Dictionary, Paragraph Options, Format Styles. Dictionary Update Wizard automates adding more spelling dictionaries.
Idea Magic
Idea Magic (formerly Thesaurus Magic), based on Roget's 1911 Public Domain Thesaurus, is a fast, intuitive, powerful centralized Thesaurus utility. Compatibility Mode enhances spell checking Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express.
EditExt (formerly EditorPro) is an advanced multi-tabbed editor for programmers & text editing, with spell check, syntax highlighting for 9 different programming languages. Dictionary Update Wizard automates adding more spelling dictionaries.
Жизнь - путешествие, которое лучше совершать одиноко. Ж. Адан
Стоят двое у винного отдела. -- Сколько будем брать: две или три? - Возьми две, а то вчера одна осталась. -- Ну, тогда возьмем две. Подходит к продавщице: -- Давайте четыре бутылки вина и две ириски.
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