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» CAD Software
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas GIS Advanced
CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. Take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas Professional Edition
CANVAS 9 is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. It seamlessly integrates technical drawing, image editing, page layout, web graphics & presentation features into a single application.
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Totally free professional Computer Aided Design (CAD) software allows users to design in 2D and 3D. Easy uncluttered interface yet powerful. This free CAD software not only lets you draw objects but you can actually have your parts made!
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition blends native support for advanced imaging and DICOM support with Canvas' full range of vector illustration, image editing, page layout, web graphics, and desktop presentation features.
Canvas Professional Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. It seamlessly integrates technical drawing, image editing, page layout, web graphics & presentation features into a single application.
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition
CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition blends native support for advanced imaging and DICOM support with Canvas' full range of vector illustration, image editing, page layout, web graphics, and desktop presentation features.
Она всегда умела привести цитату, а это хорошая замена собственному остроумию. С. Моэм
Разговорились две женщины на базаре. А уж если разго- варивают две женщины, значит разговор о мужчинах или мужьях неизбежен. -- Знаете,-- жалуется одна,-- у меня просто не муж, а тряпка: за сигаретами и то стоит в очереди. Я хоть и женщина, а всегда все без очереди возьму. -- Эге! -- махнула рукой другая,-- Это еще ничего. Вот мой -- это действительно тряпка: какая бы хамка ни лезла перед ним в очереди -- ни слова не скажет! -- Ну и что? -- удивилась первая.-- Он у вас просто вежливый. -- А у вас хорошо воспитанный.
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