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» Development Tools
AUTOption is software to enable users to create professional autorun CD menus with minimal time and effort. To make a menu the user has the option of using a step by step wizard or using the menu editor where results are previewed immediately.
AUTOption Graphic
AUTOption Graphic is a customizable Autorun/Autoplay menuing application that gives a highly professional touch to your CDs. With a fully graphical interface, you control the appearance of your menu! It can be used to autostart any file on CD/CDR.
Autorun Maestro
Autorun Maestro is highly configurable CD menu software that will have you making attractive autorun/autoplay menus in record time. With a fully graphical interface, the menus appearance can be completely user configured.
Autorun Action Flash
Autorun Action Flash is software for making striking Autorun/Autoplay CDs. This program is specifically designed to, after CD-ROM insertion, flash an image (static or animated) of your choice while launching a file.
FastMenu offers the ability to swiftly create clean, crisp Autorun/Autostart menus for CDs. After inserting the CD into the drive, FastMenu will display a well presented menu with a graphic header of your choice followed by a column of buttons.
AutoPlay Media Studio
This award-winning visual multimedia authoring tool makes it easy to create interactive software, even if you're an absolute beginner! It's powerful enough to handle everything from autorun CD menus to electronic business cards and training apps.
Многочисленность законов в государстве есть то же, что большое число лекарей: признак болезни и бессилия. Ф. Вольтер
Конкурс на лучшую утварь для коммунальной квартиры. Перва место заняла электрическая кастрюля. Варят в ней на обычной газо- вой плите. Но если соседка пытается снять крышку, ее бьет током.
Дни рождения - вещь очень полезная. Как утверждает статистика, чем больше их у человека, тем дольше он живет