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» Audio
» CD Player
Wordware CD Player for Word
Enjoy CDs (Compact Disc Audio) while you work - right from inside Word for Windows! It works
like a real CD Player with options for Play, Skip Tracks Forwards and Backwards, Pause, and
Eject. It's a complete CD player right from a Word Toolbar.
CD Audio Information Downloader (CDAID) lets you obtain CD information (i.e. artist, song title, etc.) from freedb over the Internet. No more guessing what the title of song 4 is or trying to remember the name of the CD in your tray.
Musician's CD Player for Windows
Helps you to transcribe your favorite solos by slowing the music down from 5% to 600% without changing the pitch! Looping feature and real-time processing also available in this latest version. Also import wave and MP3 files.
Autorun CD Studio
Enjoy 6 simple wizard steps that converts your Webpage design into full-featured win32 autorun CD frontend programs. All the modern Webpage features including scripting are inherited, plus a set of macros for filesystem and shell access.
Axialis AX-CDPlayer
Axialis AX-CDPlayer is a freedb.org compatible CD player for Windows. It Looks like a real electronic product. Compatible with freedb CDDBP (submit & query). LCD-like display. A built-in utility permits you to organize your discs in a local database.
Хозяйский глаз сделает больше, чем обе руки. Б. Франклин
По телевизору передают футбольный матч Италия - СССР - я бы хотел быть сейчас в Риме! - мечтательно говорит один. - но матч-то не в Риме, а в Москве! - возражает другой. - очень жаль, мне пришлось бы пропустить игру!
Услышав лай караульной собаки, часовой дублирует его голосом.