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» CD Writers
AutoView is a CD Autorun program designed to add convenience and professionalism to the CDs you create. It is very easy to use and enables you to quickly create Autorun CDs for html, PowerPoint, PDF and other types of CD presentations.
Complete CD & DVD Writer
Complete CD & DVD Writer (burner) is an easy-to-use CD and DVD writing software to burn your data (zip, exe, doc, etc.), image (iso, cue/bin) and audio (wav) files to CD or DVD.
A very sleek, attractive animated autorun menu for CDs/CDRs. This program smoothly slides from bitmap to bitmap (of your choice) offering the user a new option with each graphic. The slide speed is fully settable to create slow or fast slides.
Autorun Action Menu
Autorun Action Menu is an Autorun/ Autostart menu creator specifically designed for individual users with CDR drives. On insertion of the CD-ROM it brings up a slick-looking button menu which automatically slides out from the screen’s right corner.
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