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» CV
Interactive Resume Builder
Makes it easy to document your career as a beautifully laid out html file with hyperlinks to skill summaries. Word/text/clipboard formats. 37% off if full license is ordered within 7 days after download. Install program immediately for details.
Personal Progress File - Standard Edition
Preparation, maintenance and printing of portfolios for the United Kingdom's National Record of Achievement made simple. This is the multi-user version. A personal edition is available free of charge for home use.
Personal Progress File - Personal Edition
Preparation, maintenance and printing of portfolios for the United Kingdom's National Record of Achievement made simple. This personal edition is free of charge for home use. A multi-user version is also available.
Если у тебя есть фонтан, заткни его, дай отдохнуть и фонтану. К. Прутков
- может ли корова, отправившись из города-героя Москвы дойт до города-героя Волгограда? - нет, ее съедят в городе-герое Туле.
"Скажи ка мама, ведь не даром ты Французу отдалась ?"