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Unit Conversions 2000
Unit Conversions 2000 is a small utility that will allow you to quickly convert units of measure from one system to another. Facilities are included to convert various Lengths, Weights, Volumes, Areas, Density, Power and Scale measurements.
Conversions of units and currencies are done efficiently by using a single input-field. You type like you think, entering a number and the beginning of a unit, name or symbol. The assistant will automatically display the possible units.
tApCalc Desk tape calculator(Arm & xScale)
CPA friendly desk calculator with tape that can be saved,edited,rerun and beamed without reentering all data again. Features TAX+,TAX-,Mark Up/Down, Total and Grand total keys in addition to standard calculator keys.
Easy to use desktop analysis tool that simplifies common statistical calculations and also allows quick analysis of raw data whether you enter it yourself, use a spreadsheet, or maintain a database.
Hey, you've already paid $3000 for the hot computer, you might as well have a useful calculator! QuickCalc is a cool little tool which calculates as you type. Massive power and cute as a button. Try it out, you'll be hooked.
Math Asst., Calculator, and Hypertext Notepad for Scientists and Engineers using Pocket PC 2003. Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulations, equation solutions, multiple equations and unknowns, builtin script language.
ProKon is a calculator unlike any you've seen before. It features unit conversions of over 400,000 units, a pop-up scientific/financial/geometry calculator with tape, as well as many calculation modules covering a wide variety of topics.
ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.
Aquarius Soft PC Currency Calculator
Simple, professional and fast currency conversion software with online rates update, customizable rates, export to ExcelSpreadsheet or tab delimited text file, and many more...
Aqaurius Soft PC Unit Converter
Aquarius Soft PC Unit Converter is a simple and fast unit conversion software for the Microsoft Windows platforms. One of the main features of this unit converter is the ability to let you add your own custom units for conversion.
Равенство существует только в гробу. К. Колтон
Жена написала в партком по месту работы мужа заявление, чт муж не живет с ней. Секретарь парткома вызвал мужа и требует объяснений. - прежде всего, я импотент, - оправдывается тот. - прежде всего, вы коммунист! - строго и проникновенно говорит секретарь.
Похмелье - это та же пьянка, только с утра.