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» Calculator
CalculatorX is an enhanced expression calculator. It supports common operations, constants,built-in and custom functions, variables and note-lines. You can even use Binary, Octal, Decimal and HEXadecimal numbers in one expression to evaluate as well.
2002 Lucky Calculator
A compact and powerful calculator that supports skins. It also supports four notations: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary. It contains 50 built-in functions. Calculates an expression without pressing any additional buttons or keys.
This audio recorder comes with full control over sound quality (11/22/44 KHz, 8/16-bit, mono/stereo), simple user interface and features like import/export to WAV, OGG and MP3, keyboard shortcuts, endless loop and transcription playback modes.
Scientific engineering statistical and financial calculator, with conversions, constants and physical property data, a
built-in periodic table of the elements, stopwatch, number base conversions, vectors, matrices and complex numbers.
CalcuWage is a small unobtrusive, fun program that calculates your wage each second as you work. Pay is shown in realtime on the taskbar or system tray without opening the program window. Advanced Mode is available.
Aquarius Soft PC Binary Converter
Aquarius Soft PC Binary Converter is a simple and fast number system conversion software that lets you instantly convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number systems.
Matrix Inverse Calculator
This program uses the complicated Gauss-Jordan elimination method to find the inverse of any square matrix. You simply choose your matrix's dimensions, then enter the elements of the matrix you want inverted and press Enter.
Коль Бог не выдаст, то свинья не съест! Русская пословица
Директор школы входит в класс и объявляет - Файнштейн, Буберман и Иванов по матери! Завтра в школу не приходите - будет арабская делегация!
Как известно, Бог создал женщину из ребра мужчины. Ни для кого не секрет, что ребро - это единственная кость, которая не имеет костного мозга...