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» Capture
Print Screen Deluxe
Print Screen Deluxe is the ultimate screen capture utility. It provides a fast and easy way to capture, print and save your screen. One keystroke does it all! With one keystroke you can capture and print the entire screen, the current window, & more!
River Past Audio Capture
Easy-to-use and fast audio recording software. Record audio from sound card or DV camcorder and output to MP3, WMA, WAV, AVI, or OGG Vorbis format. Full control over audio codec, sample rate, channel, bits per sample, and bitrate.
Hit your Print Screen key and ScreenShot will save, modify, email, copy to clipboard, print and display your present screen. It is easy to use and even provides you with complete automation for each process. No nag-screens, includes cursor capturing.
BB TestAssistant
A new type of test tool that records movies of what you see on your PC
screen. Automatically captures application errors and creates bug reports ready to mail to a
developer. Improve communications and catch elusive problems.
Exsate VideoExpress
Exsate VideoExpress is an advanced, powerful, easy to use application for capture and processing DV video. It has a set of useful and unique features available only in VideoExpress. This makes VideoExpress an example for other capture solutions.
Huelix ScreenPlay
Huelix ScreenPlay is a versatile video screen capture program that lets you record PC screens. You not only can save video to a file but also broadcast video live, complete with audio. ScreenPlay is powered by the latest Windows Media technologies.
!Glance allows you to capture selected screen region, windows, menues or video frames and save them as BMP, GIF, or JPEG files. This program has a number of additional features, such as region enlargement, drag-and-drop support.
Analyzer Recording
AVI recorder, capturing an image from any window, recording under condition of a modification of an image.
Using whenever possible DDRAW hardware.
Плохи, согласен, стихи, но кто их читать заставляет? Овидий
-- Как съездили в Рим, синьор Мино? -- Все было прекрасно, особенно комната в отеле. -- А как вам сам город? -- Согласитесь, смешно было бы, заплатив такую огромную сумму за комнату в отеле, куда-то еще из нее выходить.
Тpебуется член учебного совета. Влюбленный, $200 в месяц, Hеобходимы ppекомендации.