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Traffic Log
Traffic Log is a web statistics script. Traffic Log enables you to track hits and unique visitors, hits by page, by date, browser and captures the entry page for each visitor. The log file can be purged of old visits through use of the script.
Winnie The Pooh Screensaver
Fun screensaver and wallpaper of Eeyore, Tigger and all his friends with music! If you are a Winnie the Pooh fan here is the best award winning Winnie the Pooh screensavesr on the Internet, with incredible big beautiful colorful photos.
Europe! Macintosh
Package of fast paced and challenging European geography games including countries, capitals, major exports and geographical features. Used in schools and homes around the world; geography scores improve rapidly. Bon Voyage!
DTgrafic Bus Stop 3
This interactive cartoon screensaver portrays life at a bus stop, which changes according to the time of day and the season of the year. The designs of the bus and the lorry can be customised as required. With integral MP3 player.
Civil War Screen Saver
If you are a Civil War buff here is the best award winning screen saver on the Internet., all with wallpaper and music.
DTgrafic Bus Stop 2
Hang around a bus stop in any large city and you never know what will happen. That's the premise behind 'Bus Stop 2'. With a cityscape in the background, various cartoon-like people and animals walk down a sidewalk.
Уразумей, чтобы уверовать. Августин
Иностранцы, приехавшие в Суздаль, услышали, что рядом расположен какой-то лагерь и попросили им его показать. Началь- ство долго отнекивалось, потом решило все-таки показать лагерь под видом пионерского. Отдали распоряжение всем заключенным повязать галстуки и надеть штанишки. Иностранцы вытаращились на взрослых мужиков, один подходит и спрашивает: -- Сколько лет? -- Пятнадцать! -- А я бы вам дал лет сорок. -- Ты что?! -- возмутился зэк.-- Таких сроков-то не бывает!
А мирный герцог в Англии - пис дюк