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» Development Tools
» Charting Tools
3D Charting Toolkit
3D Charting Toolkit is a powerful charting solution used to create attractive, 3D and 2D charts for client applications and web pages using COM or .NET technologies. Create 2D and 3D business, presentation and scientific charts with ease.
3DChart is a powerful charting component used to create attractive 3D and 2D charts for client applications and web pages using COM or .NET technologies. 3DChart uses the OpenGL 3D graphics engine to create sophisticated 2D and 3D charts.
The NChartEditor application is an integrated chart creation environment, designed to help you create stunning 2D and 3D chart images that can be exported to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TGA, Bitmaps, SVG and HTML image maps. Supports 23 charting types.
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