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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


В начало » Games » Chess

Torneos Ajedrez

La aplicaciуn "Torneos de Ajedrez" lleva el seguimiento de una liga de ajedrez todos-contra-todos (Round-Robin) a una sola vuelta o a doble vuelta. El nъmero mбximo de jugadores en el torneo es de 29

Project Clock Standard

Project Clock is an easy to use project time recording system. Project Clock is a useful application for consultants, lawyers, engineers or anyone else who must keep track of time billed to different projects.


Full-featured chess game which allows you to play anyone over the Internet or LAN, against several challenging computer opponents, correspondence games through Email , or in our "Online Rally Rooms" where you can chat, play, or watch.

Chess Opening Trainer

This software helps you learn and remember chess opening theory very effectively. In addition, you can use this software to build your opening repertoire. Chess Opening Trainer builds on the time-tested educational technique of learning by doing.

Kata Chess

Kata Chess is a system of basic chess positioning and movement exercises much like in karate or judo. Kata Chess focuses on pattern recognition by using a unique point and click interface. A serious training system for chess players who want to win!

Effective Prayer - Free Self-Help Chatterbot

Computer Science Applied to Healing the Human Psyche. Free self-help chatterbot. Let go of issues that interfere with your inner peace. Replace them with states that support your inner peace. Free support for all. It works. Try it. Pass it on.


mGames is a new totally FREE rapidly growing online gaming portal, where users can log on and play games such as chess & checkers against others around the world, and compete in tournaments.

Chess Commander

Chess Commander is a next generation chess game for the PC. It has many features to make the classic game of chess even more enjoyable to play - including legal move display, realistic voices, orchestral soundtrack and board annotation.

Chess Marvel

Play a traditional game chess against a computer opponent.


Play all the popular games, PacMan, Solitaire, PicPuzzle, Tetris, Worm, Pyramid, Black Jack, Yahtzee, Chess, Checkers, Puzzles etc. Post your hisocre and see if anyone can beat it.

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Люди подобны часовым механизмам, которые заводятся и идут, не зная зачем.
А. Шопенгауэр


Мудреца спросили об одном придворном, богат ли он.
Мудрец ответил:
-- Этого я не знаю. Знаю лишь, что у него много денег.
-- Значит, он очень богатый,-- сказали собеседники.
-- Иметь много денег и быть богатым -- не одно и то же,--
пояснил мудрец.-- По-настоящему богаты только те, кто довольст-
вуется тем, что имеет, а не те, кому всегда мало.


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