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» Games
» Children
Tetcolor for Windows
Balanced tetris-style game with intuitive rules, midi player and skins. Rotate falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. High scores are recorded, and an honor roll contains nice funny icons. Suitable for all ages.
Spell ID
Learn all scales, intervals, triads to 13th chords, cadences, borrowed chords and secondary dominants. Learn the pop chords in 'real' books and sheet music, all with immediate feedback and scoring.The Help file is a complete music theory book.
Pitch ID
Pitch ID trains pitch and interval identifcation by ear with immediate feedback and scoring. Pitch ID generates unlimited questions in every major and harmonic minor key in 15 levels of graduated difficulty. Demo has first 2 levels.
QUIZ to train questionnaires or vocabularies. You can compose your own question files or vocabs.
Magic Lines
Logic game with intuitive rules and 3D effects. Suitable for all ages. You try to move balls to form a line of five, which is then removed. Each play generates three new balls, so you have to keep ahead or the board fills and the game is over.
Chord ID
Chord ID trains chord identification by ear. Chord ID has three answer modes: Functions (Roman numerals), Chords (C Maj, Dmin, etc.), Qualities (Maj, min, dim). Graduated exercises begin with the easy task of identifying only the I or V chords.
Tons of kid-friendly tools, all in a fully integrated kid-safe environment. Includes easy-to-use tools for children to Write, Draw, Paint, Flashcards; plus a calculator, puzzle, clock, calendar, and much more.
Magic Balls
Logic game with intuitive rules and 3D effects. Swap two balls to create a row of three of the same color. Suitable for all ages. From the first glimpse the rules are simple and you too clever, but try to win your daughter...
Melodic ID
Melodic ID provides college and conservatory level, unlimited, graduated melodic dictation in simple and compound meters with immediate feedback and scoring. Melodic ID begins with scale steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and skips of a third from a selected major.
Magic Beads
Unhurried tetris style game with midi player, intuitive rules and skins. The game asks you to rotate colors of falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. High scores are recorded, and honor roll contains nice icons. Fun for all ages.
Мы не знаем, долго ли просуществуют земля и небо, но знаем, что всегда 3 и 7 будет 10. Августин
-- Жак! Почему у тебя все лицо в шрамах? -- Это от насморка. -- Как это -- от насморка? -- Я чихнул возле окна...
Hа безбабьи и pыбу pаком!!!