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» Classic Games
Classic Tetris game with a nice graphics, sound and Minimize to Tray feature...
WordZap Deluxe
WordZap(R) 6.51 is a Shareware word game where you race your computer opponent to create the most unique words from a given set of letters. When opponents make the same word, it is Zapped from both lists. Keyboard input and beautiful graphics!
David's Backgammon(Mac)
Ready for a fun game of backgammon? Try this excellent, top-ranked, feature packed, easy to use backgammon game.
Has just about any option or feature that you would like including 5 skill levels for all levels of player, from beginner to expert.
Absolute Backgammon
Ready for a fun game of backgammon? Try this excellent, feature packed and easy to use backgammon game. With superb graphics and 5 skill levels, you won't be disappointed. For all levels of player, from beginner to expert. Can play using your voice.
Code Metrics
Code Metrics provides project-wide reports, graphs, and data-mining drilling down into single-file analyses, visualizations, and historical information. Export data to Excel, HTML, XML, or a database.
Net Spite and Malice
Play Spite and Malice double solitaire with your friends and PC.
Our Net Spite and Malice gives you a chance to play the game with computer bots
or live opponents by the Internet or LAN.
David's Backgammon
Ready for a fun game of backgammon? Try this excellent, top-ranked, feature packed, easy to use backgammon game.
Has just about any option or feature that you would like including 5 skill levels for all levels of player, from beginner to expert.
Master Mind
The classic Master Mind game, here comes in a windows version. When you’re playing against your computer, Svenna’s Master Mind saves an unlimited number of player profiles, with statistics.
Code Patterns
Code Patterns is a Visual Studio.Net Add-In. It allows you to easily automate a lot of repetitive but necessary code writing. The results are greater productivity, more standardize and maintainable code and last but not least more fun.
Умная женщина - та, в обществе которой можно держать себя как угодно глупо. П. Валери
Спал однажды Насреддин вместе с сыном. Вдруг среди ночи слышит: в дом крадутся воры. Насреддин толкнул сына под бок и зашептал на ухо: -- Вот дураки, они же у нас ничего не найдут. Сын говорит: -- Я их сейчас испугаю. -- Нет, нет, молчи. У меня голос сильнее. Я так закричу, что они испугаются и, может быть, уронят что-нибудь из украденного. А мы подберем.
На оценки учась, знал я лишь по рассказам, как обманчива связь между сексом и загсом.