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» Collection Organizers
StampManage Canada
Use StampManage Canada to catalog and value your Canadian stamp collection. Features include a complete database of stamp varieties and images from Canada & Provinces, indexed by the SCOTT (tm) numbering system.
WIT is a content manager and a web site builder, that makes it easy to create, organize and maintain your Web or Intranet site. Both powerfull and simple, build your full site in seconds, and stay focused on what you mean.
! TreePad Business Edition
Multi-featured Organizer and Word Processor, intuitive+versatile with Password+Encryption, Website Generator, multi-Search, Spellcheck, Agenda, Calendar, Recycler, 10 skins, multi-Lingual Editions, Favorites, Hyperlinks, Images+Icons,Auto-dial, etc.
! TreePad X Enterprise (256 Gb, single-user)
Next-generation 384 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.
! TreePad X Enterprise (8 Gb, single-user)
Next-generation 12 Gigabyte Organizer, opens 8 databases simultaneously. Includes: Word Processor, spellcheck tables search/replace, skinning, drag-drop import/export, hyperlinks, auto-save, images, attachments recycler favorites history etc.
The ultimate idea and personal Information organizer. Keep a journal, jot ideas, make a grocery list, track DVD collection, manage passwords. Harmoniously combines lists, notes, contacts, calendar, mediabrowser, scrapbook and other powerful tools.
Metal Detector - Treasure Hunter Pro
This program was made for Metal Detector users by Metal Detector users! The author (programmer) contacted over 100 metaldetector users and asked them what features they wanted in a computer program for their hobby.
Кто не предъявляет своих требований, о том никто не заботится. Н.Г. Чернышевский
Едет Степан на телеге, а сосед ему: -- Степан, заходи ко мне, поговорим, выпьем по сто грамм... Степан остановился: -- Тпр-р-ру!.. А сосед продолжает: -- ...да дровишек напилим... Степан потянул за вожжи: -- Но-о! Заслушалась, дуреха!..
Больше всего единомышленников у дураков