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» Games
» Combinatorial
The outstanding clone of legendary logic game Sokoban. Your mission is to put each of colored blocks on a new place of the same color. Sounding easy? Yes, the game is easy to learn, but hard to master!
Archibald's Ice Cubes
Ice Cubes is a combinatorial and logical computer game based on an original idea. Other rounds can be downloaded from the homepage or can be created by means of a free level editor which is a part of the Ice Cubes installation.
Audition 2000
Audition is a small utility that will allow you to play sound files located in a disk directory. A play list is created of all sound files found in the selected folder. Sound files can be played individually, or the entire play list can be played.
Один факт - случайность. Два - преднамеренность. Три - тенденция. В. Солоухин
Армянское радио спрашивают - кто строил беломоро-балтийский канал? - правый берег - те, кто задавал вопросы; левый - те, кто отвечал на них.
Я люблю свою изящную фигуpу, тонкую талию, кpасивые бедpа, подтянутый живот... И ненавижу слой жиpа, котоpый это все скpывает!