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» Components
The component provides you complete DSN management.It provides complete basic DSN management operations, such as Add, Configure and Remove a DSN. It also provides ListDSN for getting listing of all DSNs created under specific web site.
Example Collection for Vivid Report
Example collection for report design component library of Vivid Report 2.0. It includes full source codes of ten applications. This applications allow: to create and print calendars and envelopes; to print address labels, RTF-files and etc.
The component provides you complete registry management on server.It provides complete basic registry management operations, such as Get, Set and Delete a registry value or key.It also lists all given keys and values under given registery branch.
Easy Compression Library
With Easy Compression Library you can add advanced compression and encryption functionality to your projects.
Key Features: Advanced compression algorithms, Compression on-the-fly, No DLLs, compiles right into your EXE, Strong encryption
Async is a multi-threaded activex control that gives visual basic developers the ability to easily create multi-threaded applications and DLLs.
CBB TextPrinter
An ActiveX component that sends text to the printer without using the spooler. Includes support for forms, continuous pager, international support, timeouts, Microsoft Access and more. Perfect for retail and Point of Sale systems.
dtLibrary is a class library packaged as a single ActiveX DLL. This library offers multiple classes for retrieving and/or updating system information, including ini files, registry access, file/disk information, memory and power information, etc.
IDAutomation ASP.NET Barcode Web Control
Easily add barcodes to ASP.NET web applications with this web control. Bar codes dynamically appear in the web browser as high quality images. Supports Linear and 2D types including Code 128, UPC, EAN, ITF, Code 39, PDF417 and DataMatrix.
FlexCompress is a high-speed compression library developed to provide archive and backup functionality for your applications. No DLLs, strong encryption, SFX, splitting and multiple disk spanning support
Phone Lister
Phone lister is an application used to manage corporate phone lists. Phone Lister is ideal for those companies wishing to move beyond their existing labour intensive low-tech phone list management. Highly configurable,with custom reporting.
Открытия приходят лишь к тем, кто подготовлен к их пониманию. Л. Пастер
-- Моя служанка частенько ворует сахар. -- Моя тоже, но я всегда ее уличаю. -- Каким образом? -- Я всегда закрываю в сахарнице муху, и если потом ее там не окажется, значит, сахарницу открывали. Советую и тебе так де- лать. Действует безотказно.
Критиковать - значит объяснять автору, что он делает не так, как делал бы я, если бы умел