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Timers OCX

The Timers control is a set of timers that expand on the timer control supplied with Visual Basic. The Timer control supplied with Visual Basic counts in milliseconds, up to about 65 seconds, this suite of timer controls allow over 32,000 hours.


PopupNotify is an ActiveX control provides MSN style popup alerts. Popup alerts fade in and slide up above the taskbar and disappear after a few seconds. Supports transparency, balloon tips, pictures, gradients, alignments and more! Unicode enabled.

Teroid Data Form

.NET control providing a full user interface to an ADO .NET DataTable object

Teroid Data Filter

.NET control allowing users to set filter criteria and sort order for ADO data


TaskPaneXP is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the task panes, or 'Explorer Bars', that are found in Microsoft Windows XP. Task panes provide a flexible way of presenting a group of related tasks to your users.


PTracer is a ActiveX Library for raster to vector conversion in automatic mode


An ActiveX DLL that adds Spell Checking functionality to COM-enabled development environments, it contains a 102,000 word list and a very easy to use API. Features like: suggestions, custom dictionaries, etc. are fully supported!

System Key Wizard

This is the best protection that you can ever place on the software that you develop at the best price ever. We have many happy customers in a verity of fields. One line of code to protect your investment that is all. www.continuumq.com


Email Component for .NET. Features: HTML Email with automatic image embedding, authentication, automatically ZIP compress attachments, supports message queuing on IIS & emailQ.NET, mail merge, multiple attachments, multiple recipients, & more


ActiveX component (DLL) for sending and receiving SMS from PC using a GSM modem. Very simple usage in Visual Basic, ASP, C#, C++, Access(VBA) etc. Features: sending, receiving, status reports, logo and ringing tones, ems, phonebook. Help online.

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Жорж Санд


Жена ушла от мужа. Дома она говорит матери:
-- Как только я вышла из дома, раздался выстрел... Как ты
думаешь, он застрелился?
-- Я думаю, он открыл бутылку шампанского.


Лучше плохо, чем никогда.

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