
В начало
» Audio
» Composers
WAVmaker turns MIDI files of virtually unlimited polyphony and
complexity into CD-quality WAVs with perfect timing precision,
using fully editable instrument patches and samples of virtually
unlimited size, without recording noise and distortion.
The Mellosoftron III is a low-latency, fully programmable,
hardware-independent virtual sampler. It can be played with
a MIDI controller, with the computer keyboard or with the
mouse, and driven by a sequencer or by a MIDI player.
e-Xpressor Real MIDI Accompaniment Maker
Auto-accompaniment maker creating ready chord progression to a tune. Easy and friendly interface. No musical learning is required. Just load MIDI tune and you get real instrumental accompaniment like a musician which plays chords to a song by ear.
e-Xpressor MIDI Voicer
The program converts: voice to MIDI in real-time with the best time resolution, wav to MIDI, vocal to ringtone. Recognizes sung notes and transforms it to MIDI score.
В одиночестве каждый видит в себе то, что он есть на самом деле. А. Шопенгауэр
После прыжков с парашютом к инструктору подходит курсант: -- Запишите меня. Голубович. Два прыжка. -- Вы с ума сошли! Это же ваш первый... -- Все правильно: это был мой первый и последний прыжок.
Не могу стоять на своем, очень больно