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» Compression Tools
WinRar companion for periodic compression scanning files with streams candidates to an ftp send, compressing with normalized filenames to a target folder and restoring Macintosh structures, filenames and NTFS Win 2K files properties after reception
Rarissimo File Compression with NTFS for FTP - Site License
Packing file data and streams for use with a standard FTP not only Macintosh specific or transit via a non NTFS partition with sequential filenames to transfer. Initial Mac structures and NTFS W2K files properties are recovered during uncompression
EzInstall allows you to easily create a self-extracting installer and de-installer for Win32. Automatic short-cut generation, screen saver detection and installation, cut-and paste disclaimer (or message), and a installer-creation report is included: Share your files or programs with the advantage of full file-compression, automatic extraction, shortcut generation, and automatic removal! Great for email, FTP, Internet, or removable media, file distribution.
Остерегайтесь мысли, что у вас есть такие добродетели, каких нет у других. Л. Толстой
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