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» Install
» Compression Tools
WinRar companion for periodic compression scanning files with streams candidates to an ftp send, compressing with normalized filenames to a target folder and restoring Macintosh structures, filenames and NTFS Win 2K files properties after reception
Rarissimo File Compression with NTFS for FTP - Site License
Packing file data and streams for use with a standard FTP not only Macintosh specific or transit via a non NTFS partition with sequential filenames to transfer. Initial Mac structures and NTFS W2K files properties are recovered during uncompression
EzInstall allows you to easily create a self-extracting installer and de-installer for Win32. Automatic short-cut generation, screen saver detection and installation, cut-and paste disclaimer (or message), and a installer-creation report is included: Share your files or programs with the advantage of full file-compression, automatic extraction, shortcut generation, and automatic removal! Great for email, FTP, Internet, or removable media, file distribution.
Никто не обнимет необъятного. К. Прутков
Молодая жена подает мужу на обед курицу. Муж подозри- тельно обнюхал блюдо, а потом спрашивает: -- Что ты умудрилась напихать внутрь? -- Ничего, милый! Там вообще не было места, но я пыта- лась...
В старости трудно начать новую жизнь, зато легко закончить старую.