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» Compression Utilities
Secura Archiver
Secura Archiver is professional archiving software for use in personal or commercial environments that demand 128 bit data encryption to meet and exceed today's security standards.
Self-Extracting Archive Utility
Compresses multiple files into a single, professional installation program. Supports multiple languages, shared files, interface customization, license agreements, readme files, multiple disk spanning, DLL installation, patches, and much more.
Powerful, fast, easy-to-use Zip utility with AES encryption, support for most Internet file formats, Wizard and Classic interfaces, XP features, tight integration with Windows, E-mail support, including Zip and E-Mail from Explorer, and much more
ZipScan searches archive files. It can search Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, InstallShield CAB, JAR, TAR, GZIP and OpenOffice files, including password-protected, nested and self-extracting archives. Supports text searching. Can open and extract files.
Directory Opus
The latest version of the very popular Directory Opus is an extremely powerful and configurable File Manager/Explorer Replacement for Windows. PCPlus Magazine (UK) said of Opus "The best File Manager and Windows Explorer Replacement known to man."
Drag, Compress and Email
Drag, Compress and Email offers an easier and better way to send files by e-mail and helps you save time and costs. The files are compressed, dramatically decreasing the send/receive time and the amount of Internet bandwidth and disk space required.
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