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DoBackup is an universal easy-to-use file backup and synchronization utility. DoBackup backs up the files in two cases: 1.'as is' 2. ZIP-compressed so it simple to recover them. DoBackup can work in a desktop mode and in an automatic background mode.
CryptoExpert 2004 Lite
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
CryptoExpert 2003 Professional
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
dfg BackUp XP
The best, award winning backup solution for nearly all backup medias. Unlimited backup profiles, ZIP compression, file&directory synchronization, FTP&eMail backup,file&directory filters, encryption, advanced search&restore, scheduler, statistics,etc.
ABC Amber The Bat! Converter
ABC Amber The Bat! Converter helps you keep your important emails, newsletters organized in one file. It is a useful tool which converts emails from The Bat! (popular email client) to any document format (PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT, DOC) easily and quickly.
CryptoExpert 2004 PE
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
Advanced Encryption Package 2004 Professional
AEP2004 PRO's most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility and military grade encryption: program includes 17 encryption algorithms (Rijndael, TWOFISH, BLOWISH, CAST, MARS, TEA, etc) to encrypt your files. It also includes file shredder.
Advanced Encryption Package 2004
With AEP you can encrypt files for your own protection and you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run witthout needing AEP.The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files
Жизнь - это внимание, ощущение и внутренние перемены. Авессалом Подводный
Профессор Свенсон готовит очередной доклад. Дорогая,-- спрашивает он жену.-- Где мой карандаш? Он у тебя за ухом,-- отвечает жена. Я очень занят, за каким ухом? -- раздраженно спрашивает профессор.
Девственность - женский недостаток, устраняемый мужским достоинством