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» Connection
Prestwood Ping Server
The Prestwood Ping Server automates the monitoring of web sites and ftp sites by issuing ping or HTTP requests on regular intervals. Designed to send automated email messages whenever a site is determined to be down.
The Panic Button - Privacy Software
Privacy software to instantly clean your screen! Then restore your data later without losing anything. Just a keypress, mouse click or our unique screenwipe is all that is required to keep your private data from prying eyes!
Modem Optimizer
speed up your Internet access up to 200% - 300% ?
it accelerates anyWindows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP internet connection in seconds.
Net Pal
Net Pal is an Internet dialer that provides re-dial and automatic reconnect functions, allows a minimum connect speed to be specified, tracks your online time and cost, has a ping feature to keep your connection alive and auto-dials on demand.
Comtun Pro
stealth network firewall, NAT software router, HTTP caching, SOCKS server, access control and authentication, built-in DHCP Server, dial-up control, VPN (PPTP and IPSec), network monitoring and management, banner blocking, firewall timing control
Flexiblesoft Dialer XP Lite
Flexiblesoft Dialer XP Lite is a Professional phone dialing system. Connect, Reconnect & Redial, and Disconnect from the Net easily, quickly, and even automatically.
Flexiblesoft Dialer XP PRO
Flexiblesoft Dialer is a Professional phone dialing system. Connect, Reconnect & Redial, and Disconnect from the Net easily, quickly, and even automatically.
Modem Monitor Graph (ModemGPH)
This free program plots in realtime all data sent and received using the Dial-Up Networking dapter and Modem. Shows separate sent, received, send rate, received rate, peaks and totals. Five graphs and statistics. Alarms, MP3 Player, MP3 Playlist, System Hotkeys
Благословляйте проклинающих вас, но всё же не конкретно за это. Авессалом Подводный
На старости лет Насреддин задумал жениться. Один при- ятель стал укорять его: -- Да ведь ты уже стар. Тебе надо думать о загробной жизни, а не о женах. -- Глупец,-- отвечает Насреддин,-- разве ты не знаешь, что именно зимой и нужен огонь больше, чем в любое другое время года?
Поговоpку "хpен pедьки не слаще" пpидумали любители минета.