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» Contact Manager
Web Response Grabber Standard
Web Response Grabber is a web lead capturing tool that automatically transfers web form data into your Database. It can also send auto responders, dynamically re-route e-mails and lot more... thus automating your online operation.
System7 SUL
System7 is a multi user contact and opportunity management interface for the Microsoft Windows environment. The package operates with Microsoft Office to provide a complete customer management package.
ListGrabber Standard
ListGrabber is a contact extractor and a lead capture tool which instantly captures lists and contact information from thousands of Websites, Web Directories, Documents, spreadsheets and enters them for you into your Contact Manager / Address Book.
Ace Contact Manager
Use Ace Contact Manager for organizations which need to share contact information while assuring that all users can rapidly access all data at all times. Ace provides secure central location of all data including only one copy of all attachments.
A-book is a handy digital address book that features built-in dialer, envelope and label printing, vCards support, 'Save for Web' option, easy search system, backup option, multi-user access over the network, and synchronization with Pocket PC.
Digital PhoneBook
A very simple, fast, friendly contact management software with printing ability, phone dialer, backup/restore features, moving/copying contact cards. Easy email and browsing. Allows importing including Outlook Express and Comma/Tab delimited files.
Contact Plus Pro
Professional contact manager designed for offices and networks. Keeps
track of incoming and outgoing e-mail, phone calls, letters, faxes,
etc. Seamless interface to Word, Wordperfect and Winfax. User defined
fields, quick popups.
MyPhoneBook is a full-featured contact manager application with an intuitive Explorer-like interface. You can keep all your friends, family and business contacts' information in one organized and clear environment.
hiContact is a compact, elegant and easy to use contact manager. Keeping contact details in a secure and dependable environment can effect the shaping of your future greatly
Keep track of who you contact, and when you did it! LogIt is the perfect tool for individuals and small businesses to maintain address books and contact histories, with full print capabilities.
Я предпочитаю бичевать свою родину, предпочитаю огорчать ее, предпочитаю унижать ее, только бы ее не обманывать. П.Я. Чаадаев
Приплелся пьянчужка домой поздно ночью и, не включая свет, чтобы не беспокоить жену, стал искать, что бы поесть. В по- темках нашел кастрюлю, съел содержимое, да и спать лег. А утром выговаривает жене: -- Что ты там наварила: суп еще куда бы ни шло, но мясо совсем не проварилось! -- Какой суп? Какое мясо? -- всплеснула руками жена.-- Пьяная твоя морда, ведь это я в кастрюле капроновую мочалку вы- варивала...
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