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» Utilities
» Contact
Platoo-Contact is fast and powerful CRM software, that lets you and your company manage all the business contacts and activities you need. Based on client-server architecture, that assures speed, power and reliability.
Wordware Personal Information Manager for Word
A complete solution for quick and easy access to contacts in Word. It's people management made simple! Finally, a Personal Information Manager (PIM) comes to Word for Windows! Have your own address book and telephone directory at your fingertips.
Alpha Organizer
Alpha Organizer includes an address book, to-do list, notepad and password vault, makes for a complete personal information management system that gets and keeps you organized.
EContact PRO
An ultimate online database system allows you to store and retrieve contact info anywhere in anytime! Features Sorting, Group, Birthday Reminder, Pref Control, Data Export, Manipulation Interface, 30+ Custom Fields, Build-in Email Client and more.
Сколько людей не ходило бы в церковь, если бы их видел там один Господь Бог! Ж. Пети-Сан
Женщина жалуется подруге: -- Мои старые платья начинают нравиться моему мужу, ког- да я начинаю говорить о необходимости купить новые наряды...
КУПЛЮ: шланг поливочный "рабица"