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SourceFormatX Source Code Formatter
SourceFormatX is an all-purpose automatic source code formatter and beautifier for C, C++, Java, C#, Object Pascal, PHP, ASP, JSP, VB, VBNET, VBScript, JavaScript & HTC source code.
A.M.L. - Lite Edition : Advanced Media Library
The Elefun Company has released A.M.L. - Advanced Multimedia Library. This Multimedia Library is intended for games' and multimedia applications' developers. A.M.L. is an effective multimedia library, capable of playing practically all audio format.
BCGPEdit (BCGSoft Professional Editor)
MFC extension library for incorporation an advanced edit control into any MFC-based application. It has the following features: Syntax highlighting, Color Blocks, IntelliSense, Markers, Symbol support, Drag/Drop support, Undo/redo support, etc...
BCGControlBarLibrary Standard Edition
MFC extension library that allows creation of the most advanced, powerfull user interface similar to Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio. It includes more than 100 thoroughly designed, tested and fully documented MFC extension classes.
Easy Fonts
Easy Fonts is an utility for Borland programmers. It converts any TrueType font to the CHR format used by the Borland Graphic Interface (BGI). The conversion is fully automatic and instantaneous.
ClearImage Barcode 1D Basic
ActiveX easily reads Code39 Code128 Code 93 Interleaved 2of5 and 13 other barcodes from any scanned or faxed image. Automate the data capture with VB C++ or Delphi applications. High performance solution comes with FREE SDK and Consulting services
ClearImage DataMatrix
ActiveX easily and accurately reads high density DataMatrix 2D barcodes from any camera, scanned or faxed image. Automate the data capture with VB C++ or Delphi applications. High performance solution comes with FREE SDK and Consulting services
ClearImage Free SDK
Recognize Code39 Code128 PDF417 DataMatrix and more from images in VB C++ Delphi. ClearImage ActiveX tackle applications requiring high accuracy and speed, and read poor quality scanned or faxed images. Automate batch repair and preparation tasks
ClearImage Repair
Professional ActiveX tools for VB C++ Delphi batch applications to auto deskew, rotate, crop, register, denoise, remove lines, fax headers and borders from scanned and faxed images. Improve ICR, OCR results and reduce size of saved images. FREE SDK
BCGControlBar Library Professional Edition
MFC extension library that allows you to create the most advanced user interface in the world. It combines easy of use and very powerful feature set implemented by highly customizable collection of MFC extension classes.
Такая уж была у него привычка, что с книгой он спал гораздо лучше, чем без нее. Ф. Рабле
-- Посмотри, дорогая! Купил тебе чудо-робот. Незаменимый твой друг и помощник на кухне и по хозяйству. Теперь ты меня не будешь упрекать и ругать. Достаточно нажать эту коричневую кноп- ку и установить программу -- робот выстирает, выгладит, сварит, вымоет посуду и сделает уборку. -- Извини, Эдвард, но кто же будет нажимать кнопку и ус- танавливать программу?
...Странные они люди. Есть у них праздник Великого Октября, но отмечают они его в ноябре. И так у них ВСЕ.