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» C++
Remote Task Manager
RTM enables a Systems Administrator to control most aspects of a remote environment. The simple-to-use, tabbed interface separates applications, services, devices, processes, events and performance monitor, making each of these very easy to control.
Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc)
Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Use it to protect your online content from unauthorized copying, reverse engineering and from webbots collecting email addresses and personal data.
RichView (C++Builder version)
Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing rich hypertext documents.
Various text formatting, tables, images, textured background, HTML export, RTF import and export, data-aware versions, printing with scalable preview.
Regular Expression Component Library for VC7.1
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions in non-managed C+ code. Supports both MFC and non-MFC programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event model.
Regular Expression Component Library for VC7
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions in non-managed C+ code. Supports both MFC and non-MFC programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event model.
Regular Expression Component Library for BCB4
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Supports both VCL and non-VCL programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event programming model.
Regular Expression Component Library for VC6
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Supports both MFC and non-MFC programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event programming model.
Regular Expression Component Library for BCB6
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Supports both VCL and non-VCL programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event programming model.
Regular Expression Component Library for BCB5
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Supports both VCL and non-VCL programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event programming model.
Regular Expression Component Library for BCB3
Search and/or replace strings or files using regular expressions. Supports both VCL and non-VCL programming. Flexible expression options to match any type of regular expression syntax. Uses a property/method/event programming model.
...жизнь есть не что иное, как постоянно побеждаемое противоречие. И.С. Тургенев
Врач после осмотра пациентки говорит ей: -- У вас головные боли, желудок тоже шалит, высокое кро- вяное давление... Ну, что ж, бывает... Простите, госпожа Османис, а сколько вам лет? -- Двадцать девять, конечно! -- Ага... И к тому же значительная потеря памяти,-- добавил врач, углубляясь в записи...
Расизма ,как и негров,этого не должно быть.