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» Business
» Crm Software
Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]
Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]
Ezine Mailer Pro
Feature for feature we're more than a basic e-mail system. Our software program allows you to send personalized emails to your customers, subscribers and friends. Mailing list management and Message template editor.
Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]
Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]
Отчаяние не есть отрицание надежды. Отчаяние - это отрицание жизни. Авессалом Подводный
В тюремной камере - какой у тебя срок? - двадцать пять. - за что? - ни за что. - врешь! Ни за что десять дают.
Вывести бы вас в чисто поле, поставить лицом к стенке и пустить пулю в лоб, чтобы на всю жизнь запомнили!