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Live Help 123

Live Help 123 is a feature rich live help system that allows visitors to your site to chat with sales and support staff in real time. Visitors just need to click on the "live help" button to chat without having to install any software.

System7 SUL

System7 is a multi user contact and opportunity management interface for the Microsoft Windows environment. The package operates with Microsoft Office to provide a complete customer management package.


Radix is a complete software solution that integrates and centralizes key business functions. Radix blends together contact management, customer service/support, time tracking and billing, expense tracking, scheduling, and electronic communication.


Platoo-Contact is fast and powerful CRM software, that lets you and your company manage all the business contacts and activities you need. Based on client-server architecture, that assures speed, power and reliability.


Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]


Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]


Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]


PHULmonty integrates the following functions to aid in business operations, and CRM: Order Entry Account and payment on account management Order invoices and Account Statements A real time online Sales Monitor

Anchor CRM

Increase sales with customer relationship management software - Anchor CRM. This application helps businesses track information about customers and their requests, discover trends and buying patterns, and plan effective marketing campaigns.


Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]

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Муж-инженер говорит жене:
-- Милая Бэтти, не поделишься ли ты со мной рецептом это-
го пирога?
-- Ты хочешь кого-то удивить своими кулинарными способ-
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волюцию в цементной промышленности.


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