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» Games
» Cryptograms
Real cryptograms on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving
cryptograms exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Make your own cryptograms instantly. Just type in a favorite quotation and click a button.
Enigmacross Game Edition
Real acrostic puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving acrostics exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Print them out for traditional pencil-and-paper solving.
Crossdown Game Edition
Real crossword puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving
crosswords exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Print them out for traditional pencil-and-paper solving.
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- можно ли построить коммунизм на Кавказе - нет. В программе партии ясно сказано, что комммунизм не за горами.
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