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» Utilities
» Cryptography
Tray Safe
Tray Safe is Net's safest password keeping solution. In addition to a variety of encryption and hashing algorithms available, it features a unique hardware ID. It means, the program works only with your PC, protecting you from hackers! Try now!
SignetSure is Win32 security tool for protecting files from hacker alteration. Create digital signatures for your files from Win32 app. Then authenticate your files with single API call. Uses RSA public key cryptography. C/C++ or Visual Basic.
Cryptosystem ME6
A program for the encryption and decryption of single or multiple files for secure storage or transmission. It uses a symmetric key encryption method with a 500-bit key for security, and has numerous safeguards against possible user error.
EDXOR is a versatile, convenient and optimal text editor and file processor. It offers innovative clipboard handling, cryptographic options and logic text conversions, great for education, fun, or privacy. EDXOR provides over 90 menu items.
Data Stash
Hide your files easily and discreetly! Data Stash is a clever little steganographic security tool that allows you to hide sensitive data files within other files with password protection. The receptacle file remains FULLY functional!
Dekart Private Disk
Easy-to-use, secure and reliable AES 256-bit disk encryption software. Makes your important files invisible and protected from unauthorised access. Provides 100% protection of your private information.
Dekart Secrets Keeper
Protect your important files with 256-bit AES encryption. Full integration with Microsoft WindowsВ® Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.
DLOCK2 is a simple command line file encryption/decryption utility program that uses the free Diamond 2 Encryption Algorithm. Full source code included. Version 2.01 is the same as the original DLOCK2, except recompiled for the Win32 command line.
M2Crypto Installer for Python 2.3
M2Crypto is an open source Python cryptography and SSL toolkit. This product is an installer for M2Crypto, which installs the M2Crypto source and DLLs into your Python installation.
Жалок тот ученик, который не превосходит своего учителя. Леонардо да Винчи
Встретились два друга. Один и спрашивает: -- Как работается? -- Как в лесу! Что ни начальник -- дуб, что ни подчинен- ный -- пень, что ни бумага -- липа. -- А как живешь? -- Как в сказке! Дома теща -- Баба Яга, жена -- ведьма, со- седка -- Царевна-Лягушка, а ее муж -- Иванушка-дурачок.
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