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» Customer Relationship Management
Software Administration Kit
The Software Administration Kit is an unique all-in-one solution for customer and order tracking, form e-mail and letter submission, sales report generation, version management and order fulfillment. A great timesaver for all software developers!
VisNetic MailFlow
An easily implemented, economical and comprehensive centralized mail management system. It allows emails coming in from customers to be automatically handled and routed to the appropriate employees for prompt attention
Mach5 PopMonger Free
Process your inbound email for confirmed opt-in list management, using simple yet powerful rules and tasks for sending auto replies, redirect messages. Automatically delete matched emails from your inbox, redirect the rest for you to read. Freeware.
Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]
Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]
Customer relations management for small business. Easy to use, schedule follow up appointments, tasks, call reports, mail merge and letter writing, mailing labels. Upgradable to 7Office sales cycle management. [Win/Mac]
Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control, invoicing, purchasing, A/R A/P, sales reports, timesheets, profitability analysis. [Win/Mac]
Вы говорите - время идёт. Безумцы - это вы проходите. Талмуд
- почему после прихода Хрущева к власти артисты, игравши Сталина, рвут на себе волосы? - чтобы играть Хрущева.
"Кровь - за кровь, жучка - за внучку!"