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» Graphics
VideoSnaps provides for 'one touch' extraction of high quality and distinct Photographs, from a Video file - no more 'manual' picking of frames - NeuralTek's image matching techniques automatically look for unique pictures in the video.
Traceline changes scanned or imported bitmap images to editable outlines (line art) that can be exported or pasted to other programs. This powerful app allows you to convert company logos, hand-drawn graphics, cartoons, etc. to editable outlines
ST Thumbnails Explorer
Fastest Thumbnails Viewer for AI, AIT, CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, CPT, CLK, DES, EPS, FH7+, FT8+, CMV, WCN, JPG, PSD, XAR, ART, WEB,BMP,WMF,EMF,TIF,PNG etc. Full integration with MS Shell. Shows version, type, keywords, notes, size and other file info.
Virtual Cover Creator
Professional cover creator software creates stunning, unlimited 3D covers for your ebooks, software boxes, CDs, special reports, two or three sided boxes, electronic magazines and more. Included with it is a 100 templates bonus pack.
3D FontTwister text & button maker
FontTwister lets you create impressive text effects for web pages, logos, and presentations in seconds. Add glows, bevels, transparency, embossing, texture, edges, soft shadows and blurs to your text or apply one of the dozens of built-in styles.
BlackMagic Professional Edition
BlackMagic Professional Ed. is the ultimate tool for colorizing Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos, or for color-correcting/ re-coloring ones with dull, faded, or inappropriate hues.
BlackMagic Business Edition
BlackMagic Business Edition is the tool of choice for colorizing Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos, or for color-correcting/ re-coloring ones with dull, faded, or inappropriate hues.
Maul Publisher
Maul Publisher is quite simply one of the most powerful DTP applications
available today. Combine text, images, and vector graphics to quickly create
pleasing and sophisticated documents.
Maul Publisher for OS2
Maul Publisher is quite simply one of the most powerful DTP applications
available today. Combine text, images, and vector graphics to quickly create
pleasing and sophisticated documents.
BlackMagic may be used to colorize Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos. It may also be used to color-correct/ re-color photos with dull, faded, or inappropriate hues.
Просвещенный народ легче вести, но его труднее гнать, им легче управлять, но невозможно поработить. Г. Бруэм
-- Это восточные ковры? -- спрашивает покупательница в парижском магазине,-- Но на этикетках указано, что они сделаны в Страсбурге! -- Посмотрите на карту, мадам,-- оправдывается продавец,-- Страсбург значительно восточнее Парижа!
- Я вас не спрашиваю, где вы были. Я спрашиваю, откуда вы идете!