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» Development Tools
» Databases And Networks
Trip Paylog PalmOS
Lets a long-distance trucker use a handheld and/or Windows computer to keep up with data related to each leg of a job from pickup to delivery.
ASPRunner creates set of ASP pages to access and modify Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access , DB2, MySQL, FileMaker database or any other ODBC datasource. Using generated ASP pages users can search, edit, delete and add data into database.
FarmMate PocketPC
Powerful helper for farmers with a lot of equipment to maintain. Includes both Palm OS Handheld and Windows Desktop versions to keep track of equipment maintenance, repair data.
FarmMate PalmOS
Powerful helper for farmers with a lot of equipment to maintain. Includes both Palm OS Handheld and Windows Desktop versions to keep track of equipment maintenance, repair data.
Downtime Manager
DownTime Manager keeps track of your equipment downtime.Use it for industry,fleet maintenance computers,etc.Track your downtime by machine and view charts and find the highest Day of week for the year that downtimes occur,or by the month.
Дураков ведь не куют, не отливают, но они сами родятся. Даниил Заточник
Поймали белого офицера и, чтобы узнать у него военные тайны напоили. Офицер все равно не колется и Петька предлагает чапаю применить пытку: не дать ему завтра опохмелиться. - ну и изверг ты, Петька!
Продаётся : переносной радиотелефон для полевых работ. Встроенный экскаватор, пулемёт. Питание от атомной электростанции.