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Quick Info
Quick Info is loaded with over 2000 international cities (outside of
the U.S), over 290 area codes and over 250 internet suffixes.
Quickly lookup this information with a minimum of hassle.
SQLBox - the SQL assignment processor. Using SQLBox, you can retrieve, edit or otherwise modify large amounts of database information with a single assignment. Any viewable result data, is instantly displayed on a view grid. US$30, free upgrades.
MSSQLRecovery fixes corrupted Microsoft SQL Server database files. It restores corrupted tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, indexes, etc. Both standard and user-defined data types recovery is supported. Supports MS SQL Server 6.5, 7.0, 2000.
With e-Backup you can backup, restore and transfer your valuable Outlook Express data, Windows Address Book and Internet Explorer Favorites.
kaztrix DataBuilder
KazTrix DataBuilder 1.0 is the ultimate database designer/publisher. It allows novice and expert users to build databases of all kinds and access them on their PC or easily publish them to the Internet. Simply Intelligent!!
Степенность есть надежная пружина в механизме общежития. К. Прутков
У одного скряги испортился телевизор -- изображение есть, а звука нет. -- Жена,-- сказал он,-- соседи тоже смотрят телевизор. По- проси их усилить звук.
Отсутствие точки зpения некотоpые обьясняют шиpотой взглядов.