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» Development Tools
» Debugging
Team Remote Debugger
Allows you and your team trace any number of code units of any kind (ASP,MTS,T-SQL,COM+,ActiveX Exe,DLL,COM,Thread,CFML), written in any language (ASP,VB,VC++,Delphi,TSQL,VJ) residing on multiple servers easily, without ever attaching to process!
Docklight RS232 Terminal - RS232 Monitor
Docklight is a test, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422 and others). * Simulating serial protocols * Logging RS232 data * Detecting specific data sequences * Responding to incoming data
COMslicer traces run time calls to selected COM/DCOM objects. It displays values of input and output parameters for each method or property called by clients. COMslicer can trace in-process and out-of-process COM components written in VC++ or VB.
Lightweight utility to track bugs. Designed for single users and small to medium teams. Design goals were: fast, easy to use, small, no administration headache. The .EXE file is tiny and runs on any Windows platform Win98 and above.
Docklight Scripting
Docklight Scripting is an extended edition of Docklight RS232 Terminal / RS232 Monitor. It features an easy-to-use script language, plus a built-in editor to create and run automated test jobs.
Debugger Selector
Allows the developer to select the most appropriate tool to handle application exceptions.
mmd logger 2.0
MMD Logger with GDI Tool is a tool designed to find GDI memory leaks ans GDI function failures. You can use it to output debugging messages as well as to control your GDI program.
MMD Logger 2.0 with GDI Tool
MMD Logger with GDI Tool is a tool designed to find GDI memory leaks ans GDI function failures. You can use it to output debugging messages as well as to control your GDI program.
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